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PBC SHRM Mission is to promote organizational excellence  through the advancement of the Human Resource Profession
in partnership with our business community. 
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Speaker Name Presentation Title Topic

Karen Roberts

Tesla SWOT Analysis: A Case Study for HR Professionals
Strategic Planning

Katie Busch

Compensation Strategies

Compensation strategies for a future workforce

Wendy Radeka

Employee Mental Health

 Living the Mission, Mental Health for Team Members

Tessie Watts

LeadershipStrategist-See the financial impact of a GREAT LEADER

Leading a employee population to successful business outcomes. See the financial impact of good leaders!

Keith Franklin

Medical Underwriting for HR

Understanding the mechanics of how to Underwrite a medical plan

Dick Kropp

The Role of the HR Professional In Creating an Ethical Workplace

Creating an Ethical Workplace

Guest Speaker

Eric Gordon

Legislative Update and What to watch for with a new White House Administratio, COVID update

Legislative Update/Election Viewpoints

Shirley Schaff

Posting with People Purpose

Social Media for the HR Professional, how to post to get  noticed by the right recruits

Jared Narlock Establishing Workforce Unity in a Divisive World

A divided workforce can mean disaster for productivity and outcomes for your company.   Understand how to create a more unified workforce when society is dividing employee viewpoints and beliefs

Jeffrey Petrone, SageView Power of Financial Wellbeing

Financial illiteracy can paralyze a person financially leading to years of inaction and increased opportunity cost.

David Lyons, COO
Planning, Developing and Delivering an HR Budget

Plan, Develop and Deliver an HR Budget to the finance department. Get your initiatives approved and learn how to leverage financial data to get priorities approved and implemented

John Haymore

Preparing for disaster- how to manage, plan, execute and deliver a organized and meaninful strategy to keep your employees and company safe.

How to manage and plan for disaster in 2021. What to know, what resources are needed, who to reach out to first. Emergency preparedness. Act now


PBC SHRM is the premier resource for human resources and SHRM members in Palm Beach County. 

P. O Box 17016, West Palm Beach, FL  33416-7016

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